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saturday, november 07  |  en  
  setting up hosts

to configure a host, make sure they are setup first

or search the database

click 'edit' to change settings

configure your host

You must be a host with the right to configure a host before you can perform this act.

  • Login to your account:
  • Click on “configure” in the navigation bar under your displayed name beside your picture
  • You will be sent to the “approve page” if you have approve right. If not, you will be sent to your profile page
  • Click on “configure” on the menu at your left then on “hosts”
  • You will see on the page displayed “add host”, click on it
  • you have two options displayed: “add a new user” and “search for users”.
add a new user
  • if you want to make a new user a host, click on “add a new user” option
  • Fill the form displayed on that page and click on “add”. You will be sent to a page where the message “host added successfully” is displayed at the top of the two preview options.
search for users
  • if you want to make an existing user a host, click on “ search for users”
  • a search box will be displayed below “search for users”
  • enter the name of the user in the rectangular box and click on “search”
  • All users with the name you entered in the search box will be displayed.
  • Click on the one you are interested in
  • On the page displayed, check the box of a/the countries to which the user will be a country host. To make the user a regional host, check the region box and click on “add as host”
  • A message “host added successfully” will be displayed above both options.

edit host is a process that allow to give hosts rights, to assign them markets, and modules or to change those you follow the same steps but you will click on edit host instead of add host in  the page configure hosts

  • You will see on the page displayed in a box “choose a host to edit” beneath “add host”
  • Click on the arrow at the end of that box and you will have the drop down menu
  • Select the name of the host you want to edit
  • A page will be displayed showing the host details, the rights, the markets and modules assigned to that host.
You edit the host details, the markets, modules and rights assigned to him.

 see also:
starting your country
editing markets & towns
editing commodities
selecting modules
setting up and using local measures
getting usage reports
setting up hosts
setting up international prices
customizing market reports

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