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saturday, november 07  |  en  
  configure markets & towns

setup towns

add a market second

configure the market

just select and add

You must have rights to configure sms for your country. Check with your country host.

After logging into tradenet, you will be sent to “your page”. Click on “configure”, found under your name.

You will be taken to the approve page. In the menu on the left of the page, click “configure” and then “markets/towns”

Go to the bottom of the page and click on “add a new market” if you want to add a market or “add/edit towns” if you want to edit market and/or town.

Add a new market:

  • Select the town you are interested in by using the pull down menu of the first box


  • In the second box, write the name of the market you wish to add to that town. When you are done, click the “add” button.

Add/edit towns:

To Add

  • Select a region from the pull down menu in the first box
  • Write the new town name in the second box
  • Write an abbreviation for that new town in the third box and then click the “add” button.


To Edit

  • Choose a town to edit, click on the “edit” link beside it, and simply follow the  instructions


To Delete an already existing town

Choose a town to edit, click on the “delete” link beside it, and simply follow the instructions


 see also:
starting your country
editing markets & towns
editing commodities
selecting modules
setting up and using local measures
getting usage reports
setting up hosts
setting up international prices
customizing market reports

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