8eme Assemblee Generale ordinaire de Copabo
cooperative des producteurs agricoles de Bondoukou
créée en 2000 nombre de membres : 1000.
C.A 13 membres, 1 directeur, 1 comptable et 1 magasinier. siège : Bondoukou. [agriculture; June 05, 2009]
Well, not GM, WM, actually. [newsletters; May 26, 2009]
Point sur la Situation Alimentaire [politique agricole; May 20, 2009]
Ecoutez l’émission radio réalisée par RFI sur le Réseau des Transformatrice DE Céréale du Faso (RTCF). [politique agricole; May 20, 2009]
Point sur la Situation Alimentaire
Les données sont relevées mensuellement par les équipes terrain d’AcSSA, AMASSA et APROSSA en collaboration avec les services nationaux. [politique agricole; April 15, 2009]
Ghana: Trusty Foods Ltd to avert loss of tomato surplus
A factory in Tema, Trusty Foods Limited, has agreed to buy all tomatoes produced in the Upper East Region to avert a glut. This follows the intervention by the Vice President John Mahama after recei [politique agricole; April 02, 2009]
Ghana: Farmers demand 30 percent stake in Northern Star tomato factory
Farmers in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions have vehemently appealed to the government as a matter of urgency to offload 30% shares of the Northern Star Tomato Factory to them. [market; April 02, 2009]
Shea processing plant to be established in Ghana
The Produce Buying Company (PBC) on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Sysgate Limited of Brazilian towards the establishment of a sheanut processing plant in the country. [market; April 02, 2009]
Bulletin Point Situation Alimentaire de Afrique Verte International
Informations sur les prix des céréales au Burkina, Mali et Niger, l’état de la situation alimentaire, la sitaution de la campagne agricole et les actions d’appui à la sécurité alimentaire [agriculture; March 16, 2009]
Vous avez le droit d'être informer
Une page de prix et le commentaire pour la radio fraternité DIVO. [politique agricole; February 27, 2009]
market highlights
current prices show and explain the trends that occur in the different markets at the end of every week . [weekly market reports; January 30, 2009]
I2 Vaccine
The I2 Vaccine is developed to vaccinate local poultry against New Castle Disease in local poultry ( birds, turkey ducks etc) [agriculture; January 13, 2009]
NERICA Rice in Hohoe Municipality
I wish to inform you about new rice variety in the Hohoe Municipality Called NERICA. Its an upland rice with good yield. It can be cultivated at any where maize can be grown. Good poverty alliviation [agriculture; January 13, 2009]
Bourse Céréalière Nationale
Bourse Céréalière Nationale Édition 2008 [politique agricole; December 12, 2008]
Bourse Céréalière Regionale
6ième Edition de la Bourse Céréalière Régionale [politique agricole; December 12, 2008]
Plus de 275 ha de rizière sous l’eau dans l’Alaotra
Les dernières grosses pluies dans l’Alaotra ont endommagé des rizières dans deux communes rizicoles de l’Alaotra. [politique agricole; December 03, 2008]
4.091.000 tonnes de paddy récoltés cette année
Apparemment, la production de paddy a connu une augmentation en 2007-2008. Au mois d’août 2008, le pays a récolté quelque 3.800.000 tonnes de paddy [politique agricole; December 03, 2008]
World cotton production falls as farmers turn to new crops
World cotton production is set to fall six percent to 24.7 million tons over the next year as growers turn to other crops to make money, an international trade body said Monday. [Economics; November 26, 2008]
More price increments eminent in Kampala
Kampala continued to record fair weather conditions with most parts having wet and hot spells which had no significant effects on the market conditions...... [News; November 24, 2008]
Late seasonal rains slows down produce trade/destroys crops.
The weather was wet and windy with a fairly distributed rainfall across a wide section of the country. Some areas especially in east were reminded of the 2006 rainy season that left the region covere [News; November 18, 2008]
bourse céréalière régionale
carrefour des acteurs de la filière céréalière pour les échanges directs à koupéla le 28 Novembre 2008 [politique agricole; November 17, 2008]
UGANDA Food Security Update October 2008
Approximately 2.15 million people remain moderately to highly food insecure in northeastern, northern, and eastern Uganda. Populations in Karamoja are the most food insecure due to lack of available [News; November 12, 2008]
Kampala ‘produce’ market update.
The maize grain price was generally high at Ush.630-640/kg which is an indicator of a price increment compared to the previous week since supply of low moisture grain kept decreasing thus rendering a [News; November 12, 2008]
Patate douce; culture d'espoir
La patate douce, culture d’espoir pour les femmes allogène de Poyo-carrefour, (Sous-préfecture de Méagui) [agriculture; November 07, 2008]
Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA
La Zone ANADER de Soubré fait le bilan des activités des comités villageois de lutte contre le VIH!SIDA (CVLS) [politique agricole; November 07, 2008]
On and off supply, wholesale prices affected, as demand is low
Kampala was generally wet as livestock prices continued to be at peak with most abattoirs attributing this to the high transit costs involved in delivering the cattle to Kampala markets....... [weekly market reports; October 28, 2008]
LE grand marché de gagnoa ou nous menons l’enquête le jeudi a pris feu dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche 26/10/2008 [agriculture; October 26, 2008]
Du riz bloqué à Amparafavola
L’exportation de riz est suspendue jusqu’à nouvel ordre. Cette mesure a été entreprise par le gouvernement face à la crise alimentaire qui sévit dans le monde. [politique agricole; October 23, 2008]
Motion de Greve deposee par le Collectif des 3 syndicats de l’Anader du lundi 20 au mercredi 22 /10/2008. [agriculture; October 21, 2008]
« Avy letchis e ! » en novembre
«Avy Letchis e !» C’est la 2e édition de la pré-campagne de letchis qui se déroulera dans la capitale de Betsimisaraka du 14 au 16 novembre. [politique agricole; October 21, 2008]
Promotion des exportations malgaches vers l'UE
Un atelier sur la stratégie des exportations malgaches vers le marché européen sera organisé du 21 au 23 octobre à l’hôtel Colbert. [politique agricole; October 21, 2008]
Le blé et la pomme de terre en contre-saison
Ce sont les premiers produits de la culture contre saison sur le site Vitrine de Iavoloha. Près de quatre mois après leur plantation, la récolte a été effectuée hier. [politique agricole; October 21, 2008]
Le marché de l'engrais perturbé
L’insuffisance de l’importation met la tension sur le marché de l’engrais. Une opération de subvention a été annulée pour soulager la pression. [politique agricole; October 21, 2008]
Uganda's Investment Competitiveness
Uganda strives to improve its investment climate by provides for generous capital recovery terms, particularly for investors whose projects entail significant investment in plant and machinery. [News; October 11, 2008]
Économie, agriculture et sécurité alimentaire
Le secteur agricole a constitué le principal moteur de la croissance ivoirienne pendant les années de prospérité économique soutenue, à savoir depuis l’indépendance jusqu’au début des années 1980 [Economics; October 10, 2008]
ICRISAT develops striga-resistant sorghum variety
Sorghum production is set to increase following the development of a variety that is resistance to the deadly weed that has been wiping out the produce from the farms for years. The scientific breakt [politique agricole; October 09, 2008]
New millet varieties developed
Researchers have developed four new varieties of finger and pearl millet with high protein concentrations. They are intended to boost the food and nutritional value of communities, especially in semi [agriculture; October 08, 2008]
Maize price steadily increasing.
It was generally a wet and partly dry week as rainfall was registered in a considerably big area especially around the lake region. This week the quantity of supply to the market was not so good as c [News; October 08, 2008]
Edo trains 36 desk officers for agric programme
The Edo state government has trained 36 desk officers from the state’s 18 local government areas to handle the implementation of the ``Fadama III’’ programme. [agriculture; October 07, 2008]
Une campagne peu fructueuse
Le culture contre-saison n’a pas donné les résultats escomptés. Si une superficie totale de 70 000 hectares a été prévue initialement pour la riziculture contre-saison, seulement 45 000 hectares ont [politique agricole; September 30, 2008]
Le lobbying de Madagascar pour une acceptation des produits malgaches sur le marché mauricien a porté ses fruits. Lors du Salon "Agribusiness on the move", des contrats de commande ont été signés. [politique agricole; September 30, 2008]
Cassava demanded high over maize grain in Southern Sudan:
The market trend was very fluctuating this week given the fact that the weather heavily affected the supply and demand of commodities. A variation in the market forces was registered for crops such a [politique agricole; September 24, 2008]
Stable but high product prices following regulated animal slaughter
Kampala recorded low temperatures for this week that favored livestock trade with a few showers experienced later in the week. This coupled with the just concluded final academic term opening greatly [weekly market reports; September 22, 2008]
Subsidy Removal Has Affected Growth Of Agric Sector — UNCTAD
The absence of direct government intervention in agriculture and the removal of subsidies to farmers have been identified as some of the reasons that account for Ghana’s inability to develop its agri [agriculture; September 18, 2008]
Remise de matériel agricole à une coopérative. [politique agricole; September 16, 2008]
La Direction Régionale de l’Agriculture réagit pour résoudre le problème alimentaire de la région Sud Bandaman [politique agricole; September 09, 2008]
La Direction Régionale de l’Agriculture réagit pour résoudre le problème alimentaire de la région Sud Bandaman [politique agricole; September 09, 2008]
Maize price on the rise.
The maize grain market opened this morning with slow trading which registered a few truck loads of grain.The Kisenyi millers associations’ offer is Ush.480/kg off lorry at the market. [News; September 09, 2008]
Commodity supply business to Sudan slows down.
In the beans sector, the wholesale price increased to Ush1,100/kg and Ush.1200/kg in Kisenyi and Owino markets for yellow beans. Planting of beans has been reported and could be the cause of the pric [weekly market reports; September 09, 2008]
Zina Mamokatra aide les paysans
Créée depuis 1994 à Antanifotsy Ambatondrazaka, la société Zina mamokatra ne cesse d’apporter des innovations sur les matériels agricoles. Les paysans sont de plus en plus intéressés à la mécanisatio [politique agricole; September 08, 2008]
ASNAPP-Ghana Trains 6,000 Collectors
6,000 Collectors of Voacanga seeds trained on Good Collection and Agricultural practices in six selected regions of Ghana from 2005-2008 [agriculture; September 01, 2008]
Foot and mouth disease and increase in Tariffs threaten market prices
Kampala continued to record high temperatures at the beginning of this week with a few clouds experienced later in the week. This coupled with the just concluded academic term greatly affected the su [weekly market reports; September 01, 2008]
Foot and mouth disease and increase in Tariffs threaten market prices
Kampala continued to record high temperatures at the beginning of this week with a few clouds experienced later in the week. This coupled with the just concluded academic term greatly affected the su [weekly market reports; September 01, 2008]
Longue période de soudure
L’observatoire du riz annonce une précoce et longue période de soudure pour le riz. Pour le moment, le prix de cette denrée reste plus ou moins stable. [politique agricole; September 01, 2008]
Axius cherche des producteurs de piment
Axius cherche des producteurs de piment
Axius fait appel à des paysans de la région Boeny pour un contrat de production de piment. Il a besoin de 7 000 tonnes à exporter à Dubaï et Si [politique agricole; September 01, 2008]
25 millions de dollars de l’Inde
L’agriculture constitue une des priorités de la coopération entre l’Inde et Madagascar. Le gouvernement indien accorde ainsi un prêt consensuel de 25 millions de dollars pour la promotion de ce secte [politique agricole; September 01, 2008]
SIM Online
Nueva sitema de informacion de mercado en prueba. [politique agricole; August 15, 2008]
Fish expensive as Beef and livestock prices stabilize in Kampala
The weather in Kampala was moderate with a few showers experienced later in the week rendering good livestock trade especially at Kalerwe which is mostly affected by the wet conditions. [weekly market reports; August 12, 2008]
Maize price finally concedes with market forces.
History was written of recent when maize grain we delivered from Kenyan side to Kampala- Kisenyi market. Those who understand the maize grain sector will tell you that it very rare to have this situa [politique agricole; July 30, 2008]
Maize supply expected low this season as plenty of Matooke delivered;
The commodity market this week registered fairly good supply for a number of crops. Kampala being a major market attracts all intending sellers and potential consumers/buyers. Times have gone when on [politique agricole; July 24, 2008]
Agony of Ghanaian livestock dealers
There is no doubt that the livestock market is a major subset of agriculture in Ghana but in recent times, the trade has suffered a lot due to high cost of transportation and non-patronage. [market; July 24, 2008]
Arua district harvesting beans and groundnuts.
Part of northern Ugandan is receiving rain. The weather in Arua district is wet and cool. Some farmers are already opening their gardens for planting since the on-going season was not good. [weekly market reports; July 15, 2008]
Kenya to import grain from RSA as Busia maize trade drops.
The Busia maize grain trade has fallen because supply from the Ugandan side is currently very low. Prices were registered at their highest and very small amounts of grain crossed to the Kenyan side. [News; July 15, 2008]
Livestock supply in Kampala improves in excess of demand
Kampala’s biggest abattoir were relatively busy this week as the concluded budget reading started impacting heavily on prices and stock especially in the transport and taxation sectors. [weekly market reports; June 22, 2008]
Filière coton : La cherté de l’engrais est un gros problème
Les 13 pays africains, membres de l’Association des producteurs de coton africains (Aproca), sont en réflexion depuis hier dans un hôtel de Yamoussoukro, sur la situation de plus en plus critique que [market; June 19, 2008]
Olana ara-tsakafo
Potika isika raha tsy mitandrina, hoy Rabetsitonta
mercredi 18 juin 2008, par Naivo kely [politique agricole; June 18, 2008]
Tanzanian grain on Kampala Market
This week the gradual increase in the maize grain price was bought to a halt when the Kisenyi millers’ price reduced by Ush.10/kg from Ush.550/kg at the beginning of the week to Ush.540/kg. The Tanza [News; May 29, 2008]
Fresh market food section
Currently Sweet potato supply is coming from Luwero-Buganga and it is basically the red sweet potatoes on the market. Supply is low and this is explained in the high costs where a sack weighing 250-3 [News; May 29, 2008]
Highest grain price as new harvest season expected around the corner:
The weather was hot and humid in Kampala although wet condition have been recorded this week with most areas reporting a lot of rainfall and this had an effect on the stocks supplied in such a way t [News; May 29, 2008]
Brisk produce business at Busia border:
The much discussed commodity price hike the world over seems to have left some people happy while others sad for letting out information that they could profit. It is beginning to appear that the cau [News; May 29, 2008]
23 May 2008
Posted to the web 23 May 2008
Cotonou [policy; May 27, 2008]
West Africa needs common policy on food prices - ECOWAS
ABUJA (Reuters) - West African nations need to forge a common agricultural policy to combat rising food prices if the impoverished region is to stave off a long-term crisis...... [policy; May 27, 2008]
Plus de 100.000 tonnes de riz pour le Mali à récupérer à Dakar et Abidjan
BAMAKO (AFP) — Les autorités maliennes ont demandé aux transporteurs de les aider à récupérer plus de 100.000 tonnes de riz destinées au marché malien et entreposées dans les ports d’Abidjan et ..... [Economics; May 27, 2008]
Supply of animals goes up as cattle product prices floor drastically
Kampala recorded low rainfall this week and therefore was cloudy and dry with livestock trade high at this period especially as the herdsmen commonly known as”Balalo” are selling off.... [politique agricole; May 24, 2008]
At Time of Food Crisis, New Rice Varieties Boost Rice Production
As African governments and tens of millions of poor African consumers faced a dangerous rice crisis in 2007, new rice varieties adapted to African conditions helped achieve a 6 percent increase in th [market; May 23, 2008]
La vie chère au Togo
La vie chère au Togo. Quelle contribution des OP pour lutter contre ce phénomène? [politique agricole; May 20, 2008]