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  customizing market reports

just select four comparison markets

  1. click on “market” module  in the navigation bar of your country or select “market” link from tradenet homepage
  2.  click on “customize this report” at the top right of the report of the market you have selected
  3. Select not more than four markets from the list displayed with the “ctrl” key down
  4. Check wholesale or retail and then hit on “generate report”
  5. All the changes will be displayed  on your customized report
  6. If you wish to go back to the previous state, click on “customize this report” again then, select neither markets nor price type and hit “generate report”
  7. If in the process, you do not want to customize the report anymore, just click on “ quit this report customization”

 see also:
starting your country
editing markets & towns
editing commodities
selecting modules
setting up and using local measures
getting usage reports
setting up hosts
setting up international prices
customizing market reports