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cattle hides contacts
•  doumbia, cheick oumar
•  DAO, Issiaka
•  MUSA, Ahmadu
•  kedi, becky
•  SOW, Malick
+221 825 5665

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varieties of cattle hides
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Fresh dry beans on the market.
UGANDA - The price of beans is at its highest since January as fresh ones flow to the market, however, the beans price is expected to fall in the near future as the major harvest season opens. With the except [News; 25 May '07]
•  Good quality bean supply from Mbarara:
UGANDA - The large seeded Nambale (K132) had a fairly good supply mainly from Mbarara and Kasese. The quality was good and went for Ush.900-850 off Owino and Kisenyi market. Some Nambale and yellow beans [News; 12 May '07]
•  Exporters slow down on grain purchase:
UGANDA - The exporter are buying at a low esteem especially maize because of the high price on the market compared to supply. They continue to hoard in expectation for a lower price since they have feel of a [News; 12 May '07]
•  Tanzanian yellow beans on the market.
UGANDA - Most commodity prices increased this week. Beans generally went for Ush950-1100/kg single colour while mixed beans were offered low at Ush.800/kg .Flesh beans [News; 26 Apr '07]

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•  Journal Paysan du Sahel de AMASSA N°14
MALI - Au sommaire :
Editorial : Evolution des bourses de 1995 à aujourdhui
Vie du terrain :
Développement des échanges commerciaux
Mise en oeuvre PASA / Mali.
Offres Bourse Natuonale Ségou [Bulletins d'Information; 25 Apr '07]
•  Ratin Food Trade Bulletin Oct 06
UGANDA - Wholesale maize prices decline in East Africa; Preparations for next season begin in East Africa; Informal trade continues despite export ban... [trade bulletins; 05 Nov '06]

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