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saturday, feb 17  |  

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  Freetown (Congo)   
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Bangura, Brima
[SLE], Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Data Processing Officer
[SLE], PEMSD, Communication Officer
brown, michael
CONTEH, Sawudatu
KADIO, samuel
kadio, samuel
KAMARA, Komrabai
Kargbo, Braima
[SLE] input supplier,market info service,equipment hire,research,national gov,other public sector, PEMSD/MAFS, mr.
KARGBO, Braima
Lakoh, Kepifri
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African-wide trading platform for mobile phones launched
Ghanaian software firm launches innovative agricultural market information service: enabling producers and traders across Africa to share prices, contacts and offers via their mobile phones

[technology; 26 Jan '07]
•  Fertilizer / Raw Materials & Freight Index (1/1/2007 to 15/ 1 /2007)
Fertilizer / Raw Materials & Freight Index

From 1/1/2007 to 15/ 1 /2007
[market; 24 Jan '07]
•  Assemblée Générale de l’Observatoire Régional des Fruits et Légumes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
29 et 30 novembre 2006 - Conakry : Assemblée Générale de l’Observatoire Régional des Fruits et Légumes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre

[market; 01 Dec '06]
•  Sorghum farmers get economic boost
The West Africa Sorghum Value Chain Development Project would within the next five years, raise the income level of 7,000 sorghum farming households in sorghum growing areas of the country by 50%.
[agriculture; 07 Oct '06]

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Fertilizer Market Outlook No 22 - January 2007
MIR Fertilizer Market Outlook No 22 - January 2007  [newsletters ;113kb pdf; Feb 08]
Buying and Selling Shea Butter: A Marketing Manual for West Africa
This manual provides practical advice to producers, exporters, and importers of shea butter. It presents an overview of the market, describes segments of potential buyers, proposes possible trad
  [Marketing ;182kb pdf; Dec 05]
Guide pratique pour les PICA (MISTOWA, 11 2006)
Un guide pour mettre en place et gérer efficacement un Points d’Information Commerciale Agricole (PICA) ou un réseau de PICA pour votre organisation.

  [Marketing ;134kb pdf; Nov 09]
The MISTOWA ABIP Guide (11 2006)
A guide for the creation and efficient management of an Agribusiness Information Point (ABIP) or a network of ABIPs for your organization.
  [Marketing ;160kb pdf; Nov 09]

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