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  uploading news


upload news

choose category

check markets and commodities

check review


make sure that you have been setup by your country or group host to upload news.

go to your personal menu and from the drop down select 'upload'. (this may also be on your left hand menu after you've logged in).
Select 'upload > news'.

fill out the story details
this is information about the specific news story you want to upload. Category (required) will help users find it on the news page on your site. Headline (required) is how users will see that story listed on the pages of your site. Short description (required) only allows 200 chars and is used for display on the front page of a site, or on search results. Make it brief, clear and inviting. The link is a link to the news story on another website (remember these may be moved or removed over time. Don’t enter ‘http://’. Just start with www…). The author is the author of the news story – sometimes copyright/credit is required. To attach an image to this news story, just click on ‘browse’ and locate the image on your PC. The image will be automatically resized when it is posted online. To attach a file of the original news story, just browse to it from here and add it, it will be automatically uploaded. Text: this is the body of the news story. Copy paste as much as you want here.  You can even enter some HTML markup language to format the story (
=l ine break; =bold; =italic).

select the markets

you also need to assign this story to the markets in your country so that it can show up when users visit market pages. Just select ‘all markets’ if you want it everywhere in your country, or check those markets where this story applies. If you don’t check any or all markets, it will appear on the homepage of your country and the news page, but will not appear under any markets.

select the commodities
to assign this story to specific commodities, please select the commodity group or commodity family that this applies to. If you do NOT select any commodites, it will appear on your country site, but not on any commodity pages.

review and publish!
Click on ‘upload’ to review your posting. If you have any changes, just hit the 'edit' button. To publish the story, click 'upload'.