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  subscribing to SMS alerts



It's easy to automate SMS alerts from Tradenet. Just take a minute or two to configure your account online, and we'll send you prices or offers to buy or sell without you having to request them each time.

Make sure that you have already registered on tradenet (visit if you haven't). Then go to your country homepage and click on mobile.


step 1
identify the 'get price' box, and choose the country you want, wait for the commodity list to arrive, then select your commodity and enter your mobile number.

Click subscribe.


step 2
now check off which type of information you want sent:
   • offers to sell,
   • offers to buy
   • prices

Click subscribe again.

step 3
now tell us which day of the week you want the alert sent out (possibly on or shortly after market day). Then select a maximum of four markets for price information (offers come from all markets).

Click 'continue'.

step 4
select which user the mobile number you entered matches. This is a quick way of identifying your account. Or you can type in your login or you can register a new user.