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Ammonium Nitrate [AN]; Ammonium Sulphate [AS]; avocado (Hass Extra); avocado (Hass); Baby Corn; bambara beans; banana (dessert - immature); banana (dessert); banana matooke; banana plantain; beans (black); Beans (dark red); beans canadian; beans dolichos; beans large; beans medium; beans mixed; beans mwitemania; beans red; beans rosecoco; beans small; beans white; beans yellow; beef liver; beef steak; beet; bell pepper; Blackberry; blood orange; bone fillet; brinjal; Broccoli; bull (live, 5-8 yrs); cabbage (large); Cabbage (red, large); cabbage seeds; cabbages; Calcium Nitrate [CaN]; camel milk; Cantaloupe Melon; capsicum; Capsicum (Apache); Capsicum (jalepeno); capsicum (nataly); carrot (large); carrot seeds; carrots; cashew (nuts, unshelled); cassava (chips); cassava (fresh tuber); cassava flour; cassava fresh (yellow); cassava gari; cattle hooves; cauliflower; Cauliflower (large); cauliflower seeds; chayote; chicken; chicken meat; chickpeas; chillie & pepper seeds; chillies; clementines; cocoa; Coconut (dried); Coconut (green); coconut (green, large); cocoyam (taro); coffee; corn (white); Corn (white, large); cotton seeds; cow (live 100-200kgs); cow milk; cowpea (red); cowpea (white); cucumber; cucumber seeds; DAP 18 46 0; egg plant seeds; eggplant; eggs; fonio; fungicides; ginger; goat (live 13-30kgs); goat meat; goat milk; goat skins; gram; Grape (red); Grapefruit (red); green bean seeds; Ground Rock Phosphate; groundnut (edible); groundnut (oil mill); groundnut (unshelled); groundnut seeds; herbicides; hides; honey; insecticides; irish potato (imported); irish potato (local); jute; kale; kidney; kola nuts; Lemon (creole); lemon (persic); lentils; lettuce; lettuce hybrid; lettuce seeds; lime; Loroco; maize (white, grain); maize (yellow, grain); maize flour; maize green; maize seeds; Mandarine Orange; Mango (Haden); Mango (Tommy); Mango Tommy Grande; melon seeds; milk; millet (sanio, grain); millet (sounna, grain); millet finger; millet flour; millet grain; millet seeds; Muriate of potash [K2O]; mutton; nile perch; NPK (cereal); NPK (cotton); oats; oil palm fruits; okra; okra seeds; olive oil; olives; onion & shallot seeds; onion (white, large); onion (yellow); onion violet; Orange (Pineapple); Orange (sour); Orange (valencia); oranges; palm kernels; palm oil (red); paper mulch; passion fruit; pawpaw; peas dry; peas fresh; Phosphoric Acid [P2O5]; pig; pig liver; pig meat; pigeon peas; pineapple (large); Potassium Sulphate; potato (local); potato seeds; potato: La esperanza; Red Apple; red onion; red onion (small); rice (imported); rice (local); rice seeds; seed cotton; sesame; shallot; shea (nuts, unshelled); shea butter; shea kernel; sheep (live 15-30kgs); sheep milk; Single Superphosphate [SSP]; smoked fish; sorghum (red, grain); sorghum (white, grain); sorghum beer; sorghum flour; sorghum seeds; soya bean; spring onion; strawberry; sunflower; Sweet Potato (orange fresh); sweet potato (red); tilapia; tomato (cooking); tomato (industrial); tomato seeds; urea; vanilla; Watermelon (Mickey Lee); Watermelon (Perola); watermelon seeds; wheat flour; wheat grain; White Garlic (large); yam; young bull (live 3-4 yrs)