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  uploading offers

buy and sell

select commodity


select user

another user
uploading for other registered users will ask you for their login or mobile number...

review the offer

Navigate on your country homepage to the offers page. Normally this is listed in the menu bar as 'buy & sell' or 'offers'.

On that page, click on the left hand menu item that says 'post an offer' or begin by using the small dialog box on the top right of the screen which asks for the commodity and type of offer. Click 'trade now'.

fill out all the details you can on the offer detail page; if you have any questions, just roll over the question mark for detailed instructions.

the next page asks you who the offer is to be uploaded for, and presents you with a preview of the offer below. Check that the offer is correct first.

posting for yourself
If the offer is for you, then make sure the button ‘myself’ is checked and continue.

posting for another registered user

You can also post it on behalf of another registered user. If you select this button, then two boxes show where you must enter their loginID or their mobile to find them in the database and assign the offer to them�

posting for a new user

if you want to upload an offer for someone and register them in tradenet at the same time, then click on ‘register a new user’ and fill out their first and last name. The next screen will take you to personal registration details for them. Complete that and then it will return you to finish uploading the offer on behalf of the new user:

posting for a temporary user

if you are uploading it but the person is not registered already and you don’t want to register them just for this offer, then assign it to a temporary user and just enter their name, mobile and email.

When successfully uploaded the offer is displayed on the web and sent via SMS & email to users who have subscribed for those offers.

uploading for other users
Try and register new users when you are uploading offers on their behalf. Tell them the loginID and password they have been assigned. It makes it easier to post an offer for them in the future.

expiry renewal
Three days before an offer expires an email will be sent asking if you want to renew the offer and for what period.