signing up for the first time

choose colors and main market

select text headers and contact info


click on 'signup now'
(select your country if it requires)

fill out as much information as you can. Notice that all fields with * are mandatory.
It's important to enter at least an email address or a mobile number. These must be unique to you, and can NOT be shared by anyone else.

login & password
you must create a unique 'login' that will become your 'username' on tradenet. This name will be part of your free website, so make it a sensible name that others will recognize. You must remember your login and password, so make them easy, and write them down for safekeeping.

as long as your login or mobile number is not already being used by another user, we will register your account. Now please check your email for a special code that you must enter to confirm you own that email address.

If you only have a mobile phone, that code will be sent to your mobile phone. You must enter the code to activate your account.

Enter the code and click 'finish'

if your activation has been accepted, then you are directed to login. Your registration is now complete.

the first time you login, you will be asked to fill out further profile information about yourself.