ASNAPP Ghana Annual Report

GHANA - ASNAPP strengthened its enterprise development activities with the formation of two community groups fully registered as legal community cooperative societies. This is in addition to the formation of the national botanical products association (BOTPAG) made of thirty-five (35) leading exporters with about five hundred (500) agents and 20,000 collectors as affiliate members.
ASNAPP Ghana facilitated the mobilization and export of 450MT of Voacanga by exporters of the products. An evaluation visit which randomly sampled 581 farmers showed that the farmers made a total of $890,000 at the farm-gate at the end of the Voacanga season. Per head, the farmers made returns of approximately $1,500 over a period of four months.
category:  Project reports
author:  ASNAPP, Ghana
subregion : 
date:  10 Oct '07