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monday, june 25  |  en  fr  pt  es
potash fertilizers: Niable

wholesale     retail 
  Côte d'Ivoire
    Gagnoa (gagnoa ville)      -     1.43    Jun 07
    abengourou (niable)      -     1.24    Jun 11
    Damaturu       -     0.40    May 30

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potash fertilizers contacts
•  TAPSOBA, Sandine
•  KABRE, Olivier Edouard
•  SISSOKO, Abdourahmane
•  TRAORE, Ibrahima

  click here for all contacts
varieties of potash fertilizers
for detailed information about any of the following commodities, please click on the link:
» Muriate of potash [K2O]
» Potassium Sulphate

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