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perches contacts
•  Sarsah, Listowel Bridges
•  SOURA, Balakissa
•  Dabo, Mohamed
•  Charles G., NOUATIN
•  Aminu Ahmed, Aliyu

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varieties of Perches
for detailed information about any of the following commodities, please click on the link:
» Nile perch

news about Perches more »
Unstable prices in the market grain market.
UGANDA - Kampala was generally wet and hot through out the week and it registered some changes mainly in commodity supply and consumption during and after the Chogm week. Supply was good for the majority of t [News; 04 Dec '07]
•  Training for Forty Nucleus Sorghum Farmers
SIERRA LEONE - CBAN in collaboration with the RRSR, the Common Fund For Commodity (CFC) and other partners has successfully completed a two day training for 40 Sorghum Farmers [politique agricole; 03 Dec '07]
SIERRA LEONE - The Minister of Agriculture, Food Security and Forestry, Dr. Joseph Sam Sesay has strongly noted that resolving positively staff matters relating to positions, postings, promotions, etc. [politique agricole; 27 Nov '07]
•  New Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security Officially Takes Over
SIERRA LEONE - The out-gone Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) Dr. Sama Monde has officially handed over the affairs of the Agriculture Ministry to his successor, Dr. Joseph [politique agricole; 30 Oct '07]

library about Perches more »
•  Cikela N°14, octobre 2007
MALI - 􀀹 Partenariat Chambres d’Agriculture
du Mali et de France : l’APCAM
effectue une mission d’information et
d’échanges d’expériences auprès de
l’Assemblée Permanente des Chambres
d’Agriculture (A [Bulletins d'Information; 05 Nov '07]
•  Valorisation des données du SIM ANOPACI
CÔTE D'IVOIRE - Le SIM Condition nécessaire à la réalisation d’opérations de commercialisation de produits agricoles [agriculture; 28 Sep '07]
•  Note Conjoncturelle n°02
CÔTE D'IVOIRE - Les Points d’Information Villageois (PIV), points focaux du SIM ANOPACI…. [agriculture; 28 Sep '07]
•  Bulletin mensuel d’information de l’APCAM, N°12, Août 2007
MALI - - Atelier sur la problématique de l’endettement des producteurs de coton et de leurs organisations ;
- Les présidents du RECAO et les étudiants de l’IPR en visite dans l’exploitation agricole de M. B [Bulletins d'Information; 29 Aug '07]

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